LP speakers

Markdown structure

# Keynote speaker name 1

![Keynote speaker name 1 - Photo](//fsf.org/images/ks1.jpg)

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet keynote speaker 1 bio; can contain
inline HTML.

# Keynote speaker name 2

![Keynote speaker name 2 - Photo](//fsf.org/images/ks2.jpg)

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet keynote speaker 2 bio; can contain
inline HTML.


## Speaker name 1

![Speaker name 1 - Photo](//fsf.org/images/s1.jpg)

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet speaker 1 bio; can contain inline HTML.

## Speaker name 2

![Speaker name 2 - Photo](//fsf.org/images/s2.jpg)

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet speaker 2 bio; can contain inline HTML.


Everything except the speaker name is optional.

Sample: https://notabug.org/rsd/lpschedule-generator/raw/dev/tests/files/lp-speakers.md

Speaker’s ID generation

The last name of the speaker is automatically made the ID; if a speaker’ name is “John Hacker”, the ID for this speaker will be hacker.

  • If two or more speakers have the same last name, then, the first speaker will have their last name as their ID and from the second to the n^th speaker will have their full name as their ID; if “Bill Hacker” and “Jill Hacker” are two speakers, “Bill” will get hacker as his ID and “Jill” will get jill_hacker as her ID.

  • The IDs are transliterated to ASCII; if a speaker’ name is “John HÖcker”, the ID for this speaker will be hacker.

Generate HTML from Markdown

$ lps_gen -sp path/to/lp-speakers.md > path/to/speakers-content.html


$ lps_gen --speakers path/to/lp-speakers.md > path/to/speakers-content.html

If you run into issues, ask for help.

Next, you might want to look at the LP schedule section or the General section.